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What We Do

Led by Peabody and Hackney Council, the Pembury Children’s Community aims to significantly improve the lives of the 1,000 children and young people living on and around the Pembury estate and be a model for neighbourhood transformation.

The collective mission in Pembury

Our vision for 2025 is that Pembury will be:

  • A neighbourhood where people are proud to live
  • A community where people from all backgrounds come together, where everyone matters and there are opportunities for all
  • A place where young people are encouraged, inspired and empowered to get the best out of life

Together with residents, we have developed 8 'Goals for 2025' which outline our ambitions for the estate:

  • Pembury children are more ready for school
  • Pembury children and young people are in education, training and employment and on the way to achieving their ambitions
  • Pembury families experiencing poverty are on a long term route out of poverty and are more able to manage financial difficulties
  • Both young people and parents are more connected to informal support networks that create opportunities and meet needs
  • Pembury children feel healthy and happy and Pembury families experience positive wellbeing
  • Pembury children and young people are safe and secure
  • Service providers can demonstrate that services are more accessible and joined up across children’s home, school and community lives
  • We have developed a model that can transform children’s outcomes and their neighbourhoods


Pembury Children’s Community Activities, Learning and Initiatives:

Pembury Children’s Community was launched in 2015. In its first two years, 659 children and young people along with 357 parents have taken part in our projects.

We focus on three priority areas to give children in this community the support they need as they grow. These are:

  • Getting things right early:

    In collaboration with Pembury Pre-school(?link), we’re increasing availability and access to childcare by bringing early years services onto the estate and facilitating family learning. We have strengthened relationships between Peabody, the local children’s centre and primary school (Linden and Mossbourne Parkside) and kicked off an innovative pilot initiative to improve school readiness.

  • Supporting young people in Secondary school and beyond:

    We're providing estate-based youth programmes and intensive one-to-one support to vulnerable 16-24 year olds, helping them out of crisis and into education, training or employment.
    We have been developing a partnership between Mossbourne Academy(link?), Young Hackney(link?) and Peabody(link?) to support some of the most vulnerable students at risk of exclusion.We are also building relationships between youth workers, teachers and statutory services so that children and young people receive coordinated support across their home, school and community.

  • Support for Parents:

    We know that in order to make an impact for children and young people, we need to work alongside their families.
    We provide support to vulnerable families with rent arrears by reducing their arrears, avoiding court orders and relieving family stress and the threat of eviction. We also facilitate peer support networks for parents, run training to improve parents’ relationships with their children and help parents to get into work through employment training.

Learn more about Pembury

Impact Report

The ten-year Pembury Children’s Community programme in Hackney is now three years old. The partnership led by Peabody and Hackney Council is working to support the 1,000 children and young people living on the Pembury estate to get the best out of life. 

To contact us or learn more, please get in touch with Rachel Parkin at