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A multi-disciplinary team from Sheffield Hallam University is carrying out the Children’s Community evaluation.
The team is co-led by Sarah Pearson from the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) and Mike Coldwell from the Sheffield Institute of Education (SIOE) and also draws on the expertise on six further specialists from the University.
CRESR is one of the leading policy research and evaluation centres in the United Kingdom with work encompassing public services, the voluntary and community sectors, labour markets, housing, regeneration, and urban and regional policy. They have a focus on working in disadvantaged places. SIOE brings extensive research and evaluation expertise around early years, children and young people, families, education, learning, and the wider aspects of children and young people’s lives.
Learn more
Children's Communities Final Evaluation Report, 2016 - 2020
Developed in partnership with Save the Children and Sheffield Hallum University
Children's Community Network Year Two Report, 2016 -2019
Developed in partnership, by Save the Children and Sheffield Hallam University.
The Pembury Children's Community Evaluation
This evaluation report by Sheffield Hallam University report draws on data collected between January and December 2017.
Year 2 interim report, February - July 2017
A report prepared for the Children’s Communities Funders Alliance, providing an overview of the programme's progress between February and July 2017
Developing Children’s Zones for England
This report explores how children’s zones in england might look and in which type of areas they should be located.